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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Controversial hot blondes and "Are they or aren't they?" couples made headlines this week

*Well if you haven't heard about or seen the video clip of former Miss California Carrie Prejean storming off Larry King Live during the interview, here it is. And it is CRAZY.

(And just for further update, seven more Carrie Prejean sex tapes were discovered.)

*The other hot blonde dealing with controversy this week is Taylor Swift! Between her SNL performance and winning the highest honor of Entertainer of the Year at the Country Music Awards,

all eyes on her...including those of Wynonna Judd who deemed it "too soon" for her to have won such an honor. She has since explained her "dis," but come on! Be happy for the kid!

*Aerosmith frontman and lead singer Steven Tyler announced he wanted to take two years off from the band. He's since stated that he doesn't plan to leave the band, but who knows what's really going on with this legendary group?

*"Are they or aren't they?" couple #1: Kristin Stewart and Rob Pattinson (hinted about by their director)

*"Are they or aren't they?" couple #2: Glee co-stars Lea Michele and Cory Monteith

*This week, we also talked about our favorite new person to follow on Twitter, who recently acquired a book and TV deals, so don't forget to follow him at:

Keep listening/reading/following us for the latest!

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